Registrar’s Decision


File Number: 19-04-003

In the matter of Motor Dealer Act R.S.B.C. 1996 C.316
and Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act, S,B.C. 2004

Complainant: Vehicle Sales Authority of BC

Licensee/Unlicensed person:

Imad Abdullah Rashid c.o.b. as Imad Rashid (Unlicensed)


The Authority requested a hearing, based upon allegations and evidence that Imad Abdullah Rashid c.o.b. as Imad Rashid (“Rashid”) had been engaged in selling numerous motor vehicles without being registered as a motor dealer (“curbing”). The Authority also alleged Rashid did not make declarations as required by the legislation, which is also deemed to be deceptive acts or practices.
Rashid failed to respond to the Authority’s allegations and evidence that he had been curbing.


The Registrar found that Rashid had been engaged in the sale of motor vehicles without being registered as a motor dealer.
The Registrar found Rashid committed deceptive acts or practices by failing to make required disclosures.
The Registrar imposed an Administrative Penalty of $35,000.
The Registrar found that the Authority was entitled to recover its investigative costs and invited submissions as to the amount of those costs.

Click here for the full decision (PDF)