Regulating Industry

Licence Renewal

Renewing your Salesperson or Broker Agent Representative Licence

In order to remain in compliance with the Motor Dealer Act and Regulations you must apply for renewal no later than 14 days prior to your expiry date.  If you are not currently working in the industry but plan to return soon, then you must renew your licence before the expiry date in order to avoid a late or re-installment fee. 

To Renew: 

Renew Online


Renew By Email, Fax, Mail or In Person

(Telephone renewals are not accepted)


1 year renewal - $150 + $55 CE Unit

2 year renewal - available for online registrations only

Additional fees:
Late fee of $30 will be charged if renewal is received after your renewal date.
Late fee of $75 will be charged if renewal is received past 30 days from your renewal date.

Salesperson/Broker Agent Representative licensing fee schedule

Continuing Education:

You will be given online access to the Continuing Education (CE) unit in an email after your payment information is processed.  As online access to the CE course is provided upon payment, cancellations, transfer and substitution policies do not apply.

Continuing Education FAQs

For assistance, contact VSA Licensing by calling 604-575-7253 or by email.