Fuel Consumption and Ratings
- Fuel consumption is the amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle and its relationship with the distance it travels, the use it is put to, and the terrain it drives on
- A standard test method, the Federal Test Procedure (FTP), is established to determine a vehicle’s fuel consumption rating
- Fuel consumption ratings are averaged based on Canadian production volumes
- As no one standard test can simulate all possible real-world driving conditions (weather, terrain, driving habits), fuel consumption differs
- Ratings in the Fuel Consumption Guide and the EnerGuide Label for Vehicles provide a comparison of the fuel consumption ratings of different vehicles based on a standard test - definite fuel consumption is not given
- Canadian fuel consumption ratings are different from US ratings
- Federal legislation requires that manufacturers and dealers advertise a vehicle’s fuel consumption rating
- Fuel ratings are used for vehicle comparison - they do not represent actual fuel consumption, as this depends on various driving conditions and factors
Helpful Resources
Contact Information:
Office of Energy Efficiency
Natural Resources Canada
885 Meadowlands Drive
3rd Floor
Ottawa, ON K0A 0E4
Fuel Consumption Program
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N5
If you have any questions, please contact
VSA Consumer Services.
NOTE: This is to provide general information and is not intended to be legal advice.